All indications are that it is everywhere basaltic and relatively constant in composition . 所有的迹象只表明海洋地壳处都是玄武岩质的,组成也比较稳定。
For the determination of the thickness of basaltic layers the survey area has to be extended into sedimentary area . 为了测定玄武岩岩层的厚度,测区必须扩大到沉积岩区。
Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano 首先是玄武岩浆从中间喷发,构成火山。
The report on variolitic basaltic andesite in the dabieshan collisional orogenic belt 大别山造山带中球颗结构玄武质安山岩的报道
Basaltic ( when this card is put into graveyard from anywhere , shuttle it into its owner ' s library 玄武化(当此牌被从任何地方放到墓地,把此牌洗回其拥有者牌库中。
Existence of charcoal fragments in sedimentary basaltic volcanoclastic rock and its implication in geology , in longtan formation of southwesten guizhou 黔西南地区龙潭组玄武质火山碎屑岩中木炭碎屑的存在及地质意义
Even at meridiani , basaltic sands lie atop the lake sediments , indicating that the site has been parched for two billion to three billion years 甚至在子午线地盘,玄武岩质的沙披覆在湖床沉积物上,显示此地已经乾涸了20 ~ 30亿年。
The bulk of the volcano is basaltic , but the slopes are dotted with cones and lava flows consisting of glassy , silica - rich lavas called dacites 此火山的主体是玄武岩,但是山坡却点缀著由石英安山岩(一种玻璃质、富含矽的熔岩)形成的熔岩锥和熔岩流。
Notice that they are all five - sided more or less . and notice , from a distance as you start your hike , how geological movements as the basaltic magma congealed have produced a wall of bent basalt columns 向前走,你不妨留意远处一堵高耸的岩柱墙,一条条的岩柱因岩浆凝固时遇地壳移动,都呈现了扭曲的形状。
Whereas the rocks in the ancient heavily cratered terrains were basaltic , the younger rocks of the northern lowlands resembled a more highly evolved type of lava called andesite : they contained more glass , more silica - rich minerals and fewer iron - bearing minerals 古老、充满坑洞的地区,岩石属于玄武岩,但北方低地较年轻的岩石却类似一种更高度演化、称为安山岩的熔岩:它们含有较多玻璃质、较多富矽矿物、以及较少含铁矿物。