He began with palestrina, and fiddled all the way through bartok . 他从帕勒斯春纳的作品一直演奏到巴塔克的作品。
Play - bartok : concerto for viola orchestra 2nd movement - lento 播放-巴托:中提琴协奏曲第二乐章-缓慢
The piano technique , such as fingerings , crossing hands , pedals and dynamics are arranged carefully and thoroughly by bartok to achieve the purpose of music 巴尔托克在儿童钢琴曲集中技巧的练习均有细心的编排,如指法、跨手、踏板、力度等的使用均有其特殊的目的,以达到练习技巧的用意。
Was organized to fortify students understanding and appreciation to the music of four influential composers bach baroque period , beethoven classical period , brahms romantic period and bartok 20 的音乐世界,旨在向学生介绍四位划时代西洋音乐家巴赫巴洛克时期贝多芬古典时期布拉姆斯浪漫时期巴托
" we now have more whale - watch boats than there are whales , " said kelley balcomb - bartok of the orca conservancy , a nonprofit organization in washington state that works with scientists to protect orcas 逆戟鲸保护协会的凯利?鲍尔科姆?巴尔托克说: "现在观鲸船的数量已经超过了那里鲸鱼的数量。 "这个设于华盛顿的非营利性组织中的科学家正在设法保护逆戟鲸。
Killer whales may be the top of the food chain underwater , but they stand little chance against the eco - tourists who try to catch a glimpse of the majestic mammals rising above the water line . " we now have more whale - watch boats than there are whales , " said kelley balcomb - bartok of the orca conservancy , a nonprofit organization in washington state that works with scientists to protect orcas 尽管逆戟鲸也叫杀人鲸,是一种小型的食肉鲸鱼,性情凶猛可能是海底世界的霸主,处于食物链的最高一级,然而面对那些想要一睹这种庞大的哺乳动物从海岸线浮出海面的壮观景象的观鲸者,它们显得那么不堪一击。