A barony switches ownership when the baron's fortress is occupied by the opposition 当男爵的要塞被敌手所占领,那么该领地的所有权将易主。
Those were oldworldish days, loyal times in joyous townlands, old times in the barony 那是世风古朴的半月,乡区里一片欢快,是效忠爵爷领地的古老时代。
Font color = # 33ffcc > a barony switches ownership when the baron's fortress is occupied by the opposition 当男爵的要塞被敌手所占领,那么该领地的所有权将易主。
However, the defense system can be weakened if the attackers manage to seize the other baronies first 然而,如果攻击者首先围攻了其他的男爵领地,那么防御系统就可能会弱化。
In 1885 with percy apjohn in the evenings, reclined against the wall between gibraltar villa and bloomfield house in crumlin, barony of uppercross 一八八六年,他与偶然结识者以及可能成为主顾的人
If enough baronies are taken, the counts and dukes above them will be cast out in favor of those from the opposite alignment 如果很多男爵领地被攻占了,那么该领地的伯爵和公爵的将会被敌人任意驱逐。
Grand barony zhoushan is a five star business hotel ideally located in the heart of xincheng's commercial center; the hotel is just a twenty minutes drive from the airport 舟山财富君廷大酒店是一家五星级商务酒店,位于舟山新城商务中心,距机场仅20分钟车程,位置极佳。
Father conmee, walking, thought of his little book old times in the barony and of the book that might be written about jesuit houses and of mary rochfort, daughter of lord molesworth, first countess of belvedere . a listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough ennel, mary, first countess of belvedere, listlessly walking in the evening, not startled when an otter plunged 康米神父边走边思索着自己所著的那本小书爵爷领地的古老时代37以及另一本值得一写的书,关于耶稣会修道院以及莫尔斯沃思勋爵之女第一代贝尔弗迪尔伯爵夫人玛丽罗奇福特38。