Balzac was once lying awake in bed, when he saw a man enter his room cautiously . 有一次,巴尔扎克醒着,躺在床上,看见一个人小心翼翼地走进他的房间。
But this sounds like a story by the great french novelist , balzac 但这听来就像是法国小说家巴尔扎克的一部小说故事。
" only the last love of a woman can satisfy the first love of a man . " - balzac "只有女人最后的爱才能满足男人最初的爱"巴尔扎克
Balzac was a great artist striving to express a world and a life he hated 巴尔扎克是一位伟大的艺术家,他以极大努力来描绘他所憎恨的社会和生活。
Balzac consciously set himself the task of writing " the natural history " of this society 巴尔扎克有意识地给自己规定了为这个社会写“自然史”的任务。
Wines that make you love this area even more , just as the great writer honore de balzac also loved it 葡萄酒会令你在此地倍感心旷神怡,就如同作家巴尔扎克对这里的迷恋。
He not only presented the human comedy in a systematic way , but also gave an overall description of balzac 他既是《人间喜剧》的系统呈现者,又是对巴尔扎克的总体观照者。
It not mea we do not have misers , but in comparison with mauriat and balzac ' s miser and a irant , that is dwarfed 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。
It not means we do not have misers , but in comparison with mauriat and balzac ' s miser and aspirant , that is dwarfed 并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫利哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。