

  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • " it seems so babyish for me to be going to night school
  • They told him it was babyish to cry
  • It ' s babyish to cry about having a tooth out at your age
  • Babyish voice : isn ' t my big brother
  • Now that ned can read he finds his early picture books too babyish
  • He was but eleven months and nine days old and , though still a tiny toddler , was just beginning to lisp his first babyish words
  • " the most readily expressed reason for rejecting barbie was that she was babyish , and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown , " she said
    奈恩说, “女孩们不喜欢芭比最直接的一个原因就是,觉得芭比太孩子气,就像自己童年时的样子,而她们觉得自己已经不再是小女孩了,芭比娃娃已经不适合自己。 ”
  • " the most readily expressed reason for rejecting barbie was that she was babyish , and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown , " she said . nairn said many girls saw barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy
    奈恩说, “女孩们不喜欢芭比最直接的一个原因就是,觉得芭比太孩子气,就像自己童年时的样子,而她们觉得自己已经不再是小女孩了,芭比娃娃已经不适合自己。 ”
  • The problem is too babyish who wants to be able to answer that is vivid immortal , boast forces , bear the blame specificly the ground says to do a stock to want to see a trend , what you say " ascendant space " only the day knows , the proposal wants to hear the word of the market , follow a trend to go surefooted
  • I came here to answer many problems , but myself also has a problem , it is good that i do not know a lot of things how to solve ability , the issue that i decide my bigotry never is changed but it is to do not have a person to support me unluckily , my people says i am babyish my friend says i am mature , it is how i also am clear about after all , i feel oneself very idiocy , , factitious what is done not have perfect . . . . .
    我来这里答了不少问题,但是我自己也有问题,很多事我都不知道如何去解决才是好,我顽固我决定的事从不改变但是偏偏是没有人支持我,我家人说我幼稚我朋友说我成熟,到底是怎么我也不清楚,我觉得自己很白痴, ,人为什么没有完美的。 。 。 。 。 。
  • 英文解释
  • characteristic of a baby; "babyish tears and petulance"

  • 其他语种释义
  • babyishとは意味:{形} : 大人げない、子どもじみた、赤ん坊じみた Isn't it kind of babyish? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】be'ibii∫、【分節】ba?by?ish
  • 推荐英语阅读
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