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用"babooning"造句"babooning"怎么读"babooning" in a sentence


  • n.
  • 【动物】狒狒[主要为狒狒属(Papio或Chaeropithecus)猴子,产于非洲和阿拉伯]
  • 粗野的人,蛮悍的人;丑陋的人;笨拙的人
  • "baboonish" 中文翻译 :    a. baboon的变形
  • "babooneries" 中文翻译 :    n. 笨拙;粗鲁的行为或态度
  • "baboonize" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 狒狒
  • "baboon,savanna" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Baboon,Savanna ; [入口词] Baboon,Savanna ; [主题词] Papio ; [英文释义] A genus of the subfamily CERCOPITHECINAE,family CERCOPITHECIDAE,consisting of seven named species: P. ursinus (chacma baboon),P. cynocephalus (yellow baboon),P. papio (western or Guinea baboon),P. anubis (anubis or olive baboon),P. hamadryas (hamadryas or sacred baboon),P. sphinx (mandrill),and P. leucophaeus (drill). Some authors have recognized a separate genus for the drill and mandrill: Mandrillus. The Papio genus is geographically distributed throughout east and west Africa,Arabia,Egypt,and the Sudan.
  • "baboonlike" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 狒狒喜欢
  • "baboon,gelada" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Baboon,Gelada ; [同义词] Baboon,Gelada ; [主题词] Theropithecus ; [中文释义] 狒狒,狮尾 ; [英文释义] A genus of Old World monkeys of the subfamily CERCOPITHECINAE,family CERCOPITHECIDAE,that inhabits the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. The genus consists of only one species,Theropithecus gelada.
  • "baboons" 中文翻译 :    n. 狒狒( baboon的名词复数 )
  • "baboon syndrome(symmetrical allergic contact der-matitis)" 中文翻译 :    狒狒症候群(对称性过敏性接触皮肤炎)
  • "baboons,gelada" 中文翻译 :    《英文msh词典》Baboons,Gelada ; [入口词] Baboons,Gelada ; [主题词] Theropithecus ; [英文释义] A genus of Old World monkeys of the subfamily CERCOPITHECINAE,family CERCOPITHECIDAE,that inhabits the mountainous regions of Ethiopia. The genus consists of only one species,Theropithecus gelada.
  • "baboon spider" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 巴布;像狒狒一样的蜘蛛;巨蜘蛛
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