Was multiplied and the tk gene was cloned . the cloned tk gene was retrieved by proper restrictive hemodynamics . the retrieved tk gene was labeled by digoxin according to the kit of labeling and detection of digoxin . then , the specificity and sensitivity of tk gene probe were detected with dot blot hybridization . the sequence of tk gene of nm98a strain was analysed . the result of the analysis of tk gene ' s sequence confirmed that autoploidy between tk gene of nm - 98a strain and issued strain was 99 . 7 % 本研究中首次对iltv - nm98a株的tk基因进行了克隆和序列分析,结果表明: iltv - nm98a株tk基因的核苷酸序列与已发表的iltvtk基因的核苷酸序列具有高度的同源性,两者之间仅相差4个核苷酸,同源性高达99 . 7 ,从而证实了iltvtk基因是高度保守的,为iltvtk基因核酸探针的制备提供了有力的依据。