I think i may boast myself to be, with all possible vanity, the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress . 我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。
On the aesthetic tendency on creating of chinese contemporary authoress 浅论当代中国女作家创作的审美走向
Succession and breakthrough on autobiographic literature by chinese europeans american authoresses 欧美华人女性自传体文学创作谈
Subjective consciousness and the pursuing of artistic creation of the authoress in modern china 主体意识与中国现代女作家的创作追求
These strategy cause calm and objective narrative style , and make her a particular authoress 这些叙事策略促成冷静客观的叙事风格,使之成为独树一帜的女作家。
Female , individualized viewpoints on existence in autobiographic literature by chinese - europe americans ' authoresses 论欧美华人自传体文学作品的女性个体生存观
The hare course - the formation of the independent personality of the chinese feminie in view of the authoress ' works 从中国女作家作品谈中国女性独立人格的成长发展
Abstracts : this paper introduced four authoresses living and working around the green lake of kunming who gone through the full of frustrations but done their outstanding contributions with their striving forever for the defined goals 摘要本文介绍四位长期生活、工作在昆明翠湖之滨的女作家,她们都有坎坷的人生,但均奋斗不息,做出成绩。
The language of the novel is distinct and vivid , and especially the color words , of which the abb style words are used most strikingly in large quantities , and have distinguishing features because the authoress employed a visual angle of a little girl and painting techniques in her expression 这些词语因作者使用小女孩视角,并具备一定的绘画知识与技能及表达的需要而呈现出使用数量多、个性特色鲜明与" bb "后缀选择精确等特点。