atrocious adj. 1.凶暴的,残忍的,万恶的。 2.〔口语〕糟透的。 an atrocious pun 恶毒的俏皮话。 atrocious weather 恶劣的天气。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Mouse drivers especially usb mouse drivers can be atrociously temperamental beasts , and changing a driver does not always result in added functionality 鼠标驱动程序(尤其是usb鼠标驱动程序)可能变化无常,而且更换驱动程序也不一定能得到增强功能的效果。
After dining and drinking a glass or so too much of the hungarian wine , rostov , exchanging kisses with the country gentleman , with whom he was already on the friendliest terms , galloped back over the most atrociously bad road in the happiest frame of mind , continually urging the driver on , so that he might be in time for the 罗斯托夫吃过午饭又稍微留了点匈牙利葡萄酒以后,同那个在已用“你”来称呼的地主亲吻告别。一路上怀着愉快的心情不停地催促车夫,急驰回城,以便赶赴省长家的晚会。