assumed adj. 1.假装的,装做…的,假的。 2.假定的;想像的。 3.(债务)保付的,承付的。 4.僭越的。 assumed ignorance 假装不知道(的样子)。 an assumed name 假名。 an assumed voice 假装的声调,摹拟的声音。 hearing evidence in an assumed capacity 以僭越的身份听取证词。
liability n. 1.责任,义务。 2.〔pl.〕 负债,债务 (opp. assets). 3.倾向;易于…的倾向[性质]。 4.不利条件。 hold no liability for damages 不负赔偿责任。 limited [unlimited] liability 有限[无限]责任。 liability for military service 有服兵役义务。 assets and liabilities 资产与负债。 meet one's liabilities 偿还债务。 liability to disease 弱不禁风。 liability to error 容易犯错误。 Poor handwriting is a liability in getting a job. 拙劣的书法是求职的不利条件。
Assumed liabilities excerpt from a model agreement , with comments 自模型协定中节录出的假设债务,和评论。
Assume liability to pay compensation by the operator that sells false seed 由出售假种子的经营者承担赔偿责任。
The underwriter ' s mainest obligation wants the regulation according to insurance contract namely , assume liability to pay compensation 保险人最基本的义务就是要按照保险合同的规定,承担赔偿责任。
If laborer breaks the law , remove labor contract causes pecuniary loss to former servant unit , ought to assume liability to pay compensation 假如劳动者违法解除劳动合同给原用人单位造成经济损失,应当承担赔偿责任。
The factory guaranteed retired workers a pension , but would not assume liability or accountability for diseases for diseases that retired workers developed after leaving the factory 退休后,工厂给工人退休金,但对工人离厂后发生的疾病不承担责任。
Be a debtor make sure responsibility transfers an underwriter , when debtor cannot fulfil its obligation , assume liability to pay compensation by the underwriter 就是把债务人的保证责任转移给保险人,当债务人不能履行其义务时,由保险人承担赔偿责任。
Insurant did not fulfil this obligation , because of the insurance accident that danger increases and produces , the underwriter does not assume liability to pay compensation 被保险人未履行此项义务的,因危险增加而发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿责任。
Sri will not assume liability in the event of damages relating directly or indirectly to access , use or consultation of this site or of information contained on other sites Sri将不承担任何与访问、咨询或者使用此网站包含的信息后有直接或间接关联的损害责任。
The solvency of insurance company is after pointing to insurance company accept insurance , encounter when having insurance accident , its assume liability to pay compensation to perhaps give the ability that pays insurance gold 保险公司的偿付能力是指保险公司承保后,遇有保险事故时,其承担赔偿责任或者给付保险金的能力。
Via nuclear check , belong to main body tractor dry mass truly unqualified , vendee has authority to return a house ; cause losing to vendee , estate develops an enterprise to ought to assume liability to pay compensation lawfully 经核验,确属主体结构质量不合格的,买受人有权退房;给买受人造成损失的,房地产开发企业应当依法承担赔偿责任。