Burned patients frequently aspirate after regurgitation of fluids . 烧伤病人常因反胃而液吸。
The concentration of acid in vomitus or aspirate need not reach this limit . 呕吐物或吸引液内酸的浓度不需要达到这一程度。
The organic layer in the neck of the flask is aspirated into the atomic absorption burner . 满至烧瓶颈部的有机层被抽吸进入原子吸收燃烧器中。
Samples are aspirated directly to a flame, atomic absorption will determine most metals in the mg/l range . 样品直接吸入火焰中时,原子吸收法对大多数金属的测定可达到毫克升级。
Each module has a microcomputer with both turbocharged and naturally aspirated calibrations resident in its internal rom . 每一模件都有一个在其内部Rom中间同时保存有涡轮增压和自然吸气计算的微计算机。
The transcription th(for the fricative p)caused grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive . 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。
Shoppers aspirate for education and new knowledge 商场内的游客追求教育和新知识。
Platinum resistance electric aspirated psychrometer sensor 铂电阻电动通风干湿表传感器
The initial ` h ' in ` hour ' is not aspirated Hour一字中起首的h不发送气音
The word ` hour ' is pronounced without an initial aspirate Hour一字的开头字母h不发送气音