At her window , she thought it over , rocking to and fro , and gazing out across the lamp - lit park toward the lamp - lit houses on warren and ashland avenues 她的目光投向窗外,隔着华灯下的公园,凝视着公园后的华伦街和阿希兰大道上灯火通明的楼房住宅。
An army of lawyers is busy preparing suits against ashland oil in the wake of a massive diesel - fuel spill that still is snaking its way down the ohio river 一大批律师正忙于起草文件用以控告爱尔兰石油公司,该公司的油槽溢出大量的柴油,目前正蜿蜒而下污染俄亥俄河。
Ashland ( nanjing ) chemical co . , ltd . is established on 28 feb 2006 , manufacturing water , wastewater and environment protection products and feed , control and monitoring equipment 亚什兰(南京)化学有限公司于2006年2月28日成立,生产水处理、废水处理和环保产品及给药、控制和监控设备。