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用"arteriolar"造句"arteriolar"怎么读"arteriolar" in a sentence"arteriolar"的同义词


  • 细动脉的
  • 小动脉的
  • 携脉的


  • Progressive inherited retinal arteriolar tortuosity
  • Correlation between brain arteriolar sclerosis degree and cerebral infarction at different brain region
  • The arteriolar sclerosis that results from chronic hypertension leads to small lacunar infarcts , or " lacunes " , one of which is seen here in the pons
  • Renin secretion is controlled by at least four mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive : a renal vascular receptor responds to changes in tension in the afferent arteriolar wall ; a macula densa receptor detects changes in the delivery rate or concentration of nacl in the distal tubule ; circulating angiotensin has a negative feedback effect on renin secretion ; and the sympathetic nervous system stimulates renin secretion via the renal nerve mediated by receptors
  • The results show that : the glomerulus of the mouse consists of a lobular arteriole within the glomerulus , capillary meshwork lobules and communication branches between the lobules and the efferent arteriolar roots ; there are some sublobular microcirulatary units in lobules ; the glomerulus of chrysolophus pictus is only a tortuous vascular ball ; there are no branches anastomosed between the vascular ; the afferent arteriole is a branch , efferent arteriole is one either , but some efferent arteriole has branches


  • of or relating to or involving arterioles

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