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用"aristophanes"造句"aristophanes"怎么读"aristophanes" in a sentence


  • 阿里斯多芬
  • 阿里斯托芬
  • 多芬尼斯
  • 多芬斯


  • Two rivals attend , sophocles and aristophanes
  • Its best writer was [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] aristophanes [ / color ] [ / b ] , who has left eleven plays , including [ b ] [ color = # 990000 ] frogs , clouds , wasps and birds [ / color ] [ / b ]
    阿里斯托芬被认为是最著名的古典讽刺戏剧作家,他有11部优秀戏剧留给后世,其中包括《蛙》 、 《云》 、 《蜂》和《鸟》等。
  • Sophocles ( 495 - 405 bc ) , was a giant of the golden age of greek civilisation , a dramatist who work alongside and competed with aeschylus , euripides and aristophanes
    索福柯勒斯(公元前495 - - 405 ) ,希腊文明黄金时代的一位巨人,戏剧家,他与埃斯库罗斯、欧里庇得斯和阿里斯托芬一起创作并相互竞争。
  • In plato ' s “ symposium ” , aristophanes argues that the origins of love lie in the search for symmetry , while pythagoras and theaetetus ? who discovered the icosahedron , the geometric shape with 20 triangular faces ? explored the symmetries of geometric figures
  • This ode seems to owe its position at the head of pindar ' s extant works to aristophanes the grammarian , who placed it there on account of its being specially occupied with the glorification of the olympic games in comparison with others , and with the story of pelops , who was their founder
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