

  • 费力地
  • 艰辛地



  • 例句与用法
  • Following necessary laws to arduously promote theoretical innovations
  • On the significance of insisting on the spirit of struggling arduously
  • In wolves ' life , nothing can take place of unyielding spirit , which makes them live arduously and painfully
  • A majority commended our loving and compassionate master s charitable activities and public lectures , for which she has arduously traveled around the world in the cause of enhancing humankind s well being
  • Some others offer the outgoing breath to the incoming breath and the incoming breath to the outgoing breath ; in this way checking the flow of both the incoming and outgoing breaths they arduously practice breath control
  • There have been a couple of successful examples such as the united state of america , germany and others who caught - up with and surpassed the great britain , followed by japan as the great success in this endeaver . but the majority of developing countries in asia , africa and latin america failed to accomplish the goal even though they tried arduously during the past more than two hundred years
  • Secondly , the core conception of cognitive towards information science is " human as essence " , and bring forward that the information system is one that can boost up and magnify the existence value , ability and specialty of " human " , and provide users a system which is active and unforced , rather than force users to arduously adapt system . thirdly , from the visual angle of cognitive , information - seeking or information - using is a kind of cognitive behavior in essence . fourthly , cognitive style is the development trend of future information retrieve system , it can reveal the thinking - process of users during retrieving on - line , in order to help users to develop their knowledge configuration
    首先,认知观可集成情报科学的相关领域,从而为形成统一、有效的情报科学提供体系结构;第二,情报学认知观把“以人为本”作为它的核心观念,提出情报系统设计的任务是要设计出增强和放大“人”的存在价值、能力和特长的系统,使提供给用户的情报系统是一种积极自然,而不是要求他们花力气去适应的系统;第三,从认知角度来看,情报查寻和利用从根本上说是一项认知行为;第四,认知风格将是未来情报检索系统的发展趋势,这样可以揭示联机检索过程中的用户思维过程,以便有助于用户知识的发展;第五,知识的进化与认知活动有密切关系,人的知识结构对外来信息的吸附、同化、选择、建构和实现社会化的过程,其实就是知识的进化;第六, “知识结构”将成为情报学认知观研究的重点。
  • 英文解释
  • in an arduous manner; "they worked arduously"

  • in an arduous manner; "they worked arduously"

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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