The eyes of the giant squid ( architeuthis dux ) can be up to 25 centimeters ( ten inches ) across, about the size of a volleyball 要说世界上最大的眼睛,得数大王乌贼的眼睛了。大王乌贼是一种生活在深海中的巨型乌贼,它眼睛的直径可达21厘米,有排球般大小。
The squid, architeuthis dux, is one of 22 million preserved zoological specimens stored at the museum . giant squid are one of the ocean's most mysterious inhabitants 据悉,该博物馆还陈列了2200万种珍稀保护动物,而巨型鱿鱼算是陈列的海洋中最神秘的动物之一。