a framework that supports climbing plants; "the arbor provided a shady resting place in the park" 同义词:arbour, bower, pergola,
any of various rotating shafts that serve as axes for larger rotating parts 同义词:spindle, mandrel, mandril,
tree (as opposed to shrub)
arborとは意味:arbor n. あずまや. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a cozy arbor 居心地のよいあずまや ◆a grape arbor ぶどう棚 ◆a latticed arbor 格子造りのあずまや ◆In a corner of the garden there was an arbor overrun with woodbine. 庭の隅にスイカズラがびっしりからみついたあずまやがあった ◆a s...