When territories west of the appalachian mountains were admitted to the union as states, they first wrote a state constitution . 当阿巴拉契亚山脉以西地区加入美利坚合众国并为美国的州以后,他们首先就是制定一个州的宪法。
Appalachian fruit research station 中国农村研究网
Yeah . in college , we ' d start every season against appalachian state 对。在大学里,我们每个赛季开始时都会跟阿巴拉契亚的队
Our small school district was buried in the appalachian mountains of pennsylvania 我们小小的学校位于宾夕法尼亚州的阿巴拉契亚山区。
I was born in burdine , kentucky , in the heart of the appalachian coal - mining country 我出生在阿帕拉契山脉煤矿区中心的肯塔基州柏定市。
Ultralight backpacking the appalachian trail with a " 10 pound pack " . includes gear lists , and links -包括自助旅游野外探险体育比赛友情聚会情感交流人生探索等内容。
Curious motorists and hikers on the appalachian trail are relieved of their sketching pads and cameras and sent on their way 清除阿帕拉契亚山脉上好奇乘汽车者和徒步旅行者他们的草图和照相并且将他们送回归途。
Extending 1 , 600 kilometers from the appalachian mountains in the east to the rocky mountains in the west , the mid western region is the largest in the united states 中西部地区东起阿巴拉契亚山脉,西止落基山脉,绵延1600公里,是美国最大的地区。
Liza lee ( 2005 ) . music in the global classroom . paper presented at hayes school of music , appalachian state university . north carolina , usa 李玲玉、李永华( 2005 ) 。婴幼儿音乐教案设计、分析与实施。婴幼儿发展与保育学术研讨会, 20 - 41页。朝阳科技大学。
Before the revolutionary war , hundreds of colonists and their families settled beyond the appalachian mountains and beyond the protection of the colonies 在独立战争发生之前,有数千位殖民地人民与其家人移居到阿帕拉契山脉旁定居,同时也没有受到移民地的保护。