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用"aperient"造句"aperient"怎么读"aperient" in a sentence"aperient"的同义词


  • adj.


  • On may 11 , 2007 , mostly the company gets land of peaceful sea county to pat with contest of 280 million yuan of total prices again [ 2007 ] 3 date plot , this plot is located in start sea route east , south highway of edge hainan line , cover an area of 83 mus , the core that is county of prospective peaceful sea develops area , and be located in the city zone to make aperient benefit region , make progress prospective cbd of place
    2007年5月11日,大都公司又以2 . 8亿元总价竞得宁海县国土拍[ 2007 ] 3号地块,该地块位于兴海路东、沿海南线公路南,占地83亩,是未来宁海县城的核心发展区域,且位于城区交通便利地区,将发展成为当地的未来cbd 。
  • Into the bargain and the greatest danger of all was who you got drunk with though , touching the much vexed question of stimulants , he relished a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and blood - making and possessing aperient virtues notably a good burgundy which he was a staunch believer in still never beyond a certain point where he invariably drew the line as it simply led to trouble all round to say nothing of your being at the tender mercy of others practically
  • Often eat the nutrition such as the flesh , egg , grandma , fish and bean products to abound food ; eat the food that contains a lot ofvitamin a , c more , be like green vegetable and fruit ; do not eat too overheat , very hot , excellent reach mildew to change , the food that sootiness fire bakes ; costive patient should eat the food with embellish aperient bowel to wait like banana , honey
    常吃肉、蛋、奶、鱼和豆制品等营养丰富食品;多吃富含维生素a 、 c的饮食,如绿色蔬菜和水果;不吃过热、过烫、过硬及霉变、烟熏火烤的食物;便秘病人应吃润肠通便的食物如香蕉、蜂蜜等。



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