Fruit flesh color involves the production of both carotenoids and anthocyanins . 果肉颜色是由类胡萝卜素和花青素两者所造成的。
In vitro antioxidant activity of anthocyanins from red grape skin 葡萄皮中花色苷的体外抗氧化研究
Blueberries the most powerful health - promoting compounds in blueberries are anthocyanins 蓝莓蓝莓中最有益于健康的化合物是花色素甙。
The major anthocyanins in purple sweet potato are cyanidin and peonidin acylated with aromatic acid 其花色苷的主要类型为芳香酸酰化的矢车菊素和芍药素。
It turns out that cherries contain anthocyanins , and research shows these compounds may ward off inflammation 研究结果发现,樱桃富含花青素,这些化合物可以预防炎症。
Two methods can be used to detect the content of anthocyanins , one is the color value , the other is the productivity 目前,多采用色价法或产率法进行花色苷含量的测定。
For improving the extraction efficiency of anthocyanins , inactivate these substances is needed during raw material processing and pigment extraction 在色素提取时要首先将这些活性物质钝化,以提高花青素的产率。
Anthocyanins are red , purple , and blue and are wiedly distributed , particularly in flowers and fruits where they are important in attracting insects , birds , etc 花青素呈现红色、紫色或蓝色,广泛分布于花或果实中,用来吸引昆虫或者鸟类。
Sweetpotato storage root flesh contains the active compositions which can make the anthocyanins color fading , the pigment loss could reach more than 50 % 摘要甘薯薯肉内含有能使花青素分解退色的活性物质,在甘薯匀浆中可导致一半以上的色素损失,严重影响了色素提取效率。
It was found that the levels of catechins and proanthocyanins in those subclones accumulating anthocyanins were also raised , and were independent of the activity of phenylalanine ammonia - lyase 发现积累色素的细胞系中,儿茶素与原花色素的形成能力也得到了大幅度提高,且与苯丙氨酸解氨酶活性无关。