The cold weather antedated their departure . 寒冷的天气使他们提前离开。
His death antedated his brother 's . 他去世先于他的兄弟。
All this is not to antedate the demise of the empire . 这一切不会使帝国提前衰亡。
The history of the peach as a garden crop in china far antedates any claim that can be substantiated for other geographic areas . 在中国,桃作为一园艺树种,其历史远比任何其它已知的地区都早。
Agitation for effective public control of railroad rates and services antedated the progressive movement by several decades . 争取有效控制铁路运价和服务的鼓动工作,早在进步运动之前几十年就已开始。
The invoice is antedated to january1st 将该发票日期填早到1月1日。
This event antedate the discovery of america by several century 这件事比发现美洲早几个世纪。
This event antedates the discovery of america by several centuries 这件事比发现美洲早几个世纪
It only took 38 months from construction preparation at the end of october, 2001 to the first unit operating on december 20, 2004, which antedated the construction time limit by 7 months 乐滩电站从2001年10月底开始施工准备到2004年12月20日首台机组投产发电,仅用38个月的时间,比合理工期提前了7个月,并在此期间,抢回因厂坝部份地基岩溶地质问题延误的5个月工期。
The brain can institute its own connections on the central processing of events such that, at the microtemporal level, it manages to “ antedate ” some events so that delayed processes can appear less delayed and differently delayed processes can appear to have similar delays 大脑在处理发生在大脑中枢的事件时,会制定自己的连线,结果是,大脑会让某些事件的感知早个几毫秒,所以延迟的过程,看起来就比较没那麽延迟,而且不同延迟的处理过程,看起来也像是有著相同的延迟。