Andy hui denise ho - music is live 2003 许志安x何韵诗- music is live 2人交叉组合拉阔2003
Andy hui music is live 2002 concert version 许志安拉阔音乐会2002
Andy hui mandarin new best collection 相爱多年国语新歌精选
Dubbing by : andy hui , alex fong , tat - ming cheung , and ronald cheng 配音:许志安,方力申,张达明,郑中基
Andy hui encore concert karaoke 安哥对唱音乐会卡拉ok
Singer name : andy hui 语言:国语,粤语
Mainly casted by karena lam , angelica lee and andy hui , koma will make the whole whole scream in 2004 ! 林嘉欣李心洁许志安领衔主演, 2004全城尖叫! !
Andy hui s latest album , featuring 12 mandarin new songs , including hit song - " male chauvinist " and " very good " 许志安最新国语专辑好得很。收录新锐情歌12首,重点推介主打歌"大男人"及"好得很"等。
Another example is that if you are searching for andy lau s item and you enter " andy " , all items of artists having the name " andy " will be listed out including " andy hui " , " andy williams " , etc 另一例子是若想搜寻的艺人是刘德华,如只输入了andy ,那么所有叫andy的艺人e . g .许志安andy williams的大碟均会被列出来。