Are they the booties when qing government set anabasis on thailand ? 是不是清代远征泰国时他们的战利品? ?
The results showed that the mean proportion of polymorphic loci ( ppb ) of anabasis aphylla , which comprised 3 subpopulations ( 58 individuals sampled ) , generated by 16 primers was 94 . 56 % , the value of ppb of ceratocarpus arenarius , which had 4 subpopulations ( 80 individuals sampled ) , using 16 primers was 98 . 00 % . the paper had proved that the higher genetic diversity and the genetic differentiation existed in the populations of boih anabasis aphylla and ceratocarpus arenarius , while the latter had much more genetic diversity than the former . moreover , the study discussed the shannon information index and nei ' s gene diversity index of the two species natural populations , which indicated that there were more genetic variations within the subpopu 另外,通过rapd资料的聚类分析及相关性分析研究,发现无叶假木贼和角果藜自然种群的遗传结构与绿洲沙漠过渡带的微生境生态因子(主要是土壤因子)相关,其中无叶假木贼亚种群遗传多样性水平不仅与土壤含水量( w ) 、钾钠离子浓度( k + na )和氯离子浓度( cl )呈显著的正相关( p 0 . 05 ) ,还与土壤中有机质( som ) 、全氮( nt )和全磷( pt )含量呈显著的负相关;同时,角果藜种群的遗传多样性水平与土壤中有机质( som )和全氮( nt )含量呈显著的正相关,而与co _ 3 ~ ( 2 - )浓度呈显著的负相关;除此之外,其它土壤生态因子与两物种遗传多样性水平的相关性均不显著(卜0 . 05 ) 。
As china entered into the world trade organization , china speeds up her opening up to the outside , and international retailing magnates also speed up their anabasis into china . as a result , the competition of china retailing industry is more furious than ever , and the home retailing firms are facing grim stress and challenges 随着我国入世,以及我国零售业对外开放步伐的加快,国际零售巨头加紧了进军中国的步伐,一时间,我国零售业狼烟四起,国内零售业面临着巨大的压力和挑战。