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用"amsl"造句"amsl"怎么读"amsl" in a sentence


  • 平均海平面以上


  • The helicopter took the route across lantau island ( highest point 3 , 066 feet above mean sea level ( amsl ) ) via tung chung pass ( approximately 1 , 100 feet amsl )
    该直升机经由东涌飞行通道(高出平均海平面约1 , 100尺)飞越大屿山(最高点高出平均海平面3 , 066尺) 。
  • As the terrain falls away moderately sharply at the end of the 50 metre run , the helicopter became airborne again and travelled a horizontal distance of approximately 100 metres whilst falling through a vertical height of some 100 feet before impacting with terrain for a second time in a nose high attitude at an elevation of 1150 feet amsl . the main body of the wreckage finally came to rest after travelling forward for a further 30 metres
    在直升机冲前接近50公尺处,山势颇为陡峭向下,直升机因而再度离地,在半空中冲前约100公尺,而下坠的垂直高度为100尺左右,然后在高出平均海平面1 , 150尺以仰角撞向另一山坡,继而再冲前30公尺后停下,现场遗留主机体残骇。飞行员和空勤员丧生。


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