I was young enough . we didn ' t ask for an amnio 我太年轻了.我们没有做羊水诊断
Carol : so , i got the results of the amnio today 好的,我今天拿到检查结果了。
The result of sequencing showed that vp1 included 2l99 bases , which encoded , 732 amnio acids 测序结果表明gpvvp1基因由2199个核苷酸组成,编码732个氨基酸。
One of the more promising aspects of the research is that some of the dna of the amnio stem cells contained y chromosomes , which means the cells came from the babies rather than the pregnant moms 更令人兴奋的是,一些羊水干细胞的dna中含有y染色体,这就意味着这些干细胞来自于胎儿本身而不是母亲。
Amnio acids could promote cac2o4 to crystallize on the ca2 + - rich ( 101 ) axis of com when negative charges were taken on their surfaces . trp , tyr and asp could promote orientation growth of ( 101 ) face of com more and more easily 而当其表面带负电荷时,则能促进com的( i0l )面生长,且caczo ;沿该面取向生长的程度随色氨酸一酪氨酸~天冬氨酸而增强。
(pregnancy) extraction by centesis of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman (after the 15th week of pregnancy) to aid in the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities 同义词:amniocentesis,