Three bulls fed in a field together in the greatest peace and amity . 三头公牛和睦地一起在地里吃草。
If there were amity between nations, there would be no wars . 国家与国家间如能修睦和好,则无战争发生。
They parted on a high plane of amity and christian helpfulness . 他们在十分友好、洋溢着基督教徒助人为乐精神的气氛中分了手。
His eyes glowed even while he affected a smile of amity and a gesture of courtesy, at parting . 尽管他勉强笑一下,很有礼貌地挥手告别,可是眼睛中燃烧着怒火。
No feat of intelligence and character is so exacting as that required of two people who desire to live permanently together on a basis of amity . 如果两个人希望永远不变地友善地生活下去,那么对他们在聪慧和性格方面所下的功夫,应当有无比的严格要求。
Forgiveness promotes the feeling of harmony and amity 宽恕增进和睦和友好的感情。
The u . s . - japan treaty of amity and commerce concluded 日美缔结友好通商条约
This lesson an interface amity , operation simple practical 本课件界面友好,操作简单实用。
For a county , amity between nations is important 对于一个国家,与各国友好相处是很重要的。
The amities between chinese and mahican are of long standing 中马人民之间的友好交往源远流长。
amityとは意味:amity n. 《文語》 親睦, 親善(関係). 【動詞+】 ◆Let us do what we can to restore amity between Argentina and Britain. アルゼンチンと英国の友好を修復するために私たちにできることをやろう. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆cordial amity 心からの親善関係 ◆international amity 国際親善 ◆l...