The cathedral of notre dame in amiens looms in the early morning mist 亚眠的晨雾中,巴黎圣母院大教堂若隐若现。
The cathedral of notre dame in amiens looms in the early morning mist 位于亚眠的圣母院大教堂在清晨的薄雾中时隐时现。
Procter & gamble centralizes european production of detergents in its amiens factory 宝洁将欧洲市场清洁剂的生产集中在它的美国工厂。
" the patient ' s general condition is excellent and the transplant looks normal , " said a statement issued wednesday from the hospital in the northern city of amiens where the operation took place 周三11月30日,该医院发表声明说“目前,患者的总体情况非常好,移植器官看起来也不错。 ”
Amiens was heavily bombed in 1918 , and shelling in 1940 destroyed much of the city ' s ancient heart , but the grand cathedral has survived centuries of war and revolution 在1918年亚眠遭到了惨烈的爆炸,继而1940年亚眠又遭到了炮击,这使得该城的大部分估计被毁,但是大教堂却在不断的战争与革命中屹立了数个世纪。
The woman was " severely disfigured " by a dog bite in may that made it difficult for her to speak and chew , according to a joint statement from the hospital in amiens and another in the southern city of lyon where dubernard works 如果这一手术最后被证明取得了成功可能要经过数月甚至数年才可定论,手术过程会给那些因烧伤意外事故或因其它伤害事件导致外貌严重受损的人们带来希望。
So , bevelling around by mullet s and the signal house , which they shortly reached , they proceeded perforce in the direction of amiens street railway terminus , mr bloom being handicapped by the circumstance that one of the back buttons of his trousers had , to vary the timehonoured adage , gone the way of all buttons , though , entering thoroughly into the spirit of the thing , he heroically made light of the mischance 不久,他们来到牟累特食品店和信号所跟前,斜插过去,只得朝着阿缅斯街电车终点站走去。布卢姆先生裤子后面的一个钮扣,套用一句古谚,像所有的钮扣那样终于不中用啦。布卢姆先生尽管处在如此尴尬的境地,由于他透彻地理解事态的本质,就英勇地容忍了这种不便。
As to blanche de sivry , whose real name was jacqueline bandu , she hailed from a village near amiens . magnificent in person , stupid and untruthful in character , she gave herself out as the granddaughter of a general and never owned to her thirty - two summers . the russians had a great taste for her , owing to her embonpoint 至于布朗瑟德西弗里,她的真实姓名是雅克琳博杜,她来自亚眠附近的一个村庄,她很美丽,但很蠢,爱扯谎,自称是一个将军的孙女,不承认自己有三十二岁她很受俄国人赏识,因为她长相富态。
Retreating , at the terminus of the great northern railway , amiens street , with constant uniform acceleration , along parallel lines meeting at infinity , if produced : along parallel lines , reproduced from infinity , with constant uniform retardation , at the terminus of the great northern railway , amiens street , returning 从大北铁路阿缅街终点站,不停地以标准加速度正沿着那如果延长会在无限彼方相遇的平行线逐渐离去。沿着那重新出现在无限彼方的平行线,不断地以标准减速度,正朝着大北铁路阿缅街终点站折回来。
Accordingly , after a few such preliminaries , as , in spite of his having forgotten to take up his rather soapsuddy handkerchief after it had done yeoman service in the shaving line , brushing , they both walked together along beaver street , or , more properly , lane , as far as the farrier s and the distinctly fetid atmosphere of the livery stables at the corner of montgomery street where they made tracks to the left from thence debouching into amiens street round by the corner of dan bergin s 他那块略沾肥皂味的手绢尽到掸刨花的责任后,就掉在地上了,他忘记把它拾起来,却用手去揩拭。准备就绪后,他们二人就一道沿着比弗街或说得更确切些,比弗巷一直走到蒙哥马利街角那座钉马掌的棚子和散发着强烈臭气的出租马车行那儿,向左转,又在丹伯金那家店跟前拐弯,走进阿缅斯街。
Amiens () is a city and commune in northern France, north of Paris and south-west of Lille. It is the capital of the Somme department in Picardy.