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用"amendable"造句"amendable"怎么读"amendable" in a sentence"amendable"的同义词


  • adj.


  • You have to look to your own marriage and see whether it is absolutely not salvageable , amendable or improvable . or whether you are seeking love in another relationship just as an excuse for your own pleasure
  • Since the axis of the part is not on the same line , it may be necessary to amend the part in order to make it ease to produce . the amendable method mostly is the fw pattern in the juncture of fastigiated column and sphere
  • Also , this paper studies the amendable methods of dynamic numeration model , and bring forward that optimized method can revise finite element model , while validating the construed results of structural mode is almost equal to true values
  • Say the cayce records : " edgar cayce ' s mind is amendable to suggestion , the same as all other subconscious minds ; but in addition thereto , it has the power to interpret to the objective mind of others what it acquires from the subconscious minds of other individuals of the same kind
    凯西的解读记录写道: "埃德加?凯西的头脑可以接受提示,与所有其他潜意识头脑一样;但是,它具有获取其他人的潜意识内容并转译给他们的有意识头脑。
  • Since the presented disturbance was dissatisfied with the matching condition of vscsm , an amendable method was proposed to resolve it in this dissertation , which provide a new method for the application of sliding control on the object dissatisfied with disturbance matching condition
  • At the same time , the section studies a new amendable method on drawing - up the dynamic extension forms of the motion input - output forms , it discusses the defer problem of input - output analysis too . meanwhile , it points out the fact that motional inut - ouput is a motional problem . however , the authentic economical running which recreates constantly is continual and dynamical , that is to say , it have to think about investing


  • capable of being corrected by additions; "an amendable flaw"


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