

  • v. 埋伏, 伏击(ambuscade的第三人称单数形式)



  • 例句与用法
  • They prepared an ambuscade for the romans .
  • From the bamboo work on lance to bamboo forest, and from the story of bamboo forest to being ambuscaded, then who
  • Sometimes pierre remembered what he had been told of soldiers under fire in ambuscade when they have nothing to do, how they try hard to find occupation so as to bear their danger more easily
  • I didn t believe we could lick such a crowd of spaniards and a-rabs, but i wanted to see the camels and elephants, so i was on hand next day, saturday, in the ambuscade; and when we got the word we rushed out of the woods and down the hill
  • One time tom sent a boy to run about town with a blazing stick, which he called a slogan which was the sign for the gang to get together, and then he said he had got secret news by his spies that next day a whole parcel of spanish merchants and rich a-rabs was going to camp in cave hollow with two hundred elephants, and six hundred camels, and over a thousand " sumter " mules, all loaded down with di monds, and they didn t have only a guard of four hundred soldiers, and so we would lay in ambuscade, as he called it, and kill the lot and scoop the things
  • I went so far with it in my imagination, that i employ d my self several days to find out proper places to put my self in ambuscade, as i said, to watch for them; and i went frequently to the place it self, which was now grown more familiar to me; and especially while my mind was thus fill d with thoughts of revenge, and of a bloody putting twenty or thirty of them to the sword, as i may call it, the horror i had at the place, and at the signals of the barbarous wretches devouring one another, abated my malice
  • He got home pretty late that night, and when he climbed cautiously in at the window, he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt; and when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness
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