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用"amaranthus"造句"amaranthus"怎么读"amaranthus" in a sentence


  • 苋属植物


  • Extraction of red pigment of wild amaranthus tricolor an analyses of it ' s stability
  • Cloning of ava gene from amaranthus viridis and effect of aphid resistance on transgenic tobacco plants
  • Isolation and rna expression pattem of a type 2 metallothionein - like gene in amaranthus cruentus l
  • Ultraweak biophoton emission and its mechanism during seed germination of amaranthus hypochondriacus
  • Redroot pigweed ( amaranthus retroflexus l . ) is an annual species of weeds which is widely distributed and important in cultivated field and other land all over the world
    摘要反枝苋是世界性分布的一种恶性杂草, ?解其生物学特性将有助于对其进行有效防治。
  • On one hand , the growth of spad and the activity of nr had no significant difference at 5 % level . the maximum of soluble sugar content of amaranthus tricolor and bidens maximowiciziana showed significant difference compared with the contrched samples
  • Particularly , the activated ratios ( 1 ) of cu and zn in thlaspi goesingense were the highest , which were 2 . 74 % and 3 . 56 % , the activated ratios ( n ) of cd in amaranthus tricolor was the highest , which is 2 . 17 % , but the heavy metals activated ratios of other plants were around 1 . 1 %
    其中,羽叶鬼针草对污泥中的cd和zn活化作用比较高,其活化率分别为2 . 17 、 2 . 27 ,仅次于遏蓝菜;其次是紫穗槐, zn的活化率为2 . 55 。绿叶苋菜对cd的活化率较高。
  • The sequence of lead content in each hyperaccumulator was bidens maximowiciziana > amaranthus tricolor > sophora japonica > xanthium sibiricum > schizonepeta fenuifolio > vetiveria zizanioides in this study . on one hand , bidens maximowiciziana and amaranthus tricolor could transport the iiiost of the lead from roots to the above - ground parts , and the total heavy metal translocated ( tmt ) of bidens maximowiciziana and amaranthus tricolor rose to the 11 . 29mg and 9 . 17mg in 100 plants
    结果表明,羽叶鬼针草和绿叶苋菜能把吸收的pb较多地运输到地上部, 100棵羽叶鬼针草和绿叶苋菜地上部的迁移总量高达11 . 29mg和9 . 179mg ;羽叶鬼针草根系对pb的耐性最强,当pb处理浓度为loomg
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