A sense of reverie had always pervaded his painting , but his late art , such as the altarpiece for the church of san zaccaria ( 1505 ) , possessed what mr brown calls a “ restraint and refinement ” unmatched by any of his pupils 他的画总是充满了幻想,但晚期的作品,如圣扎卡里亚教堂的装饰画却被布朗认为是体现了一种“内敛与精致”而在其学生中无人媲美。
He worked at the basilica of san francesco at assisi , then one of the most prominent churches in christendom ; for the pope ; for enrico scrovegni , the richest and most influential citizen of padua ; for the king of naples ; for azzone visconti , the signore of milan and he provided the high altarpiece for st . peter s , rome 培根一生能够取得这样丰硕的成果,是他刻苦读书和实践的结果,同时也是他在求知中正确运用科学的学习方法的结果。他在《论求知》这篇著作中比较集中地对他的读书方法作了科学的概括,值得我们研究。
a painted or carved screen placed above and behind an altar or communion table 同义词:reredos,
An altarpiece is a picture or relief representing a religious subject and suspended in a frame behind the altar of a church. The altarpiece is often made up of two or more separate panels created using a technique known as panel painting.