Allende began uttering threats of violence . 阿连德开始扬言要使用武力。
Allende showed his disdain for the congressional action . 阿连德根本不把国会的决议放在眼里。
Allende met with six strike leaders to dampen the violence . 阿连德与六位罢工领导人会晤以缓和暴力事件的发展。
Then, on november 9, 1971, allende took on other foreign creditors . 接着,1971年11月9日,阿连德又向其他外国债权人开了刀。
A cynic might list this as a form of economic aid for allende . 想挖苦人的人可以把这些都说成是给予阿连德的某种形式的经援。
A victory for allende would imperil our interests in the western hemisphere . 阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。
Allende arrived at the presidential palace at 7∶30 a.m. with a heavily armed escort . 阿连德于上午七时三十分在重兵护卫下来到总统府。
After police clashed with the demonstrators, allende declared a state of emergency in santiago province . 警察与示威群众发生冲突后,阿连德宣布圣地亚哥省处于紧急状态。
Since allende had repudiated almost all foreign debts, our action had to be concerted with other creditor nations . 由于阿连德几乎拒绝偿付全部外债,我们的行动就必须同其它债权国协调一致。