It leads to a presentation like that of acute appendicitis , but an adnexal mass may be palpable 通常与急性阑尾炎表现相似,但有明显的附件团块。
Sebaceoma ( sebaceous epithelioma ) is an uncommon cutaneous adnexal tumor with differentiation toward sebaceous unit 摘要皮脂瘤(皮脂腺上皮瘤)是具有皮脂腺分化特徵的罕见表皮附属器肿瘤。
Objective to study the histopathologic classification of ocular adnexal hyperplastic lesions and tumors according to the histogenesis and the anatomic sites 目的探讨眼附属器增生性病变及肿瘤的组织病理学分类。
Method to analyze retrospectively the pathologic specimens of 8 673 cases of ocular adnexal hyperplastic lesions and tumors between 1961 - 1997 方法对8673例患者局部切除的眼附属器增生性病变及肿瘤标本进行回顾性病理分析。
Hemoperitoneum during pregnancy resulting form spontaneous rupture of adnexal torsion is a rare cause of fetal and maternal death 摘要在妊娠时,发生于子宫附属器官如卵巢、输卵管等扭转,进而引起卵巢破裂及腹腔出血,造成母亲及胎儿致死之原因是相当罕见的。
Conclusion the classification is helpful to the histopathologic diagnosis and the study about the detailed distribution of common ocular adnexal hyperplastic lesions and rare tumors , and it also increases the pathologic diagnostic data in north china 结论大样本的病理分析,有助于对眼附属器增生性病变和肿瘤等常见多发病以及少见难治疾病的组织病理学诊断,填补我国北方病理诊断资料数据,为研究眼病提供参考依据。