A study of adjunction in the domain of reading 阅读领域中的附加问题研究
We have proved that stml is a topological category and the category tml is a bireflective full subcategory of stml , the existence of some functors " right adjunction . based on [ 106 ] , we have researched the limits and inverse limits in the category stml , given the other one kind of product of - smooth topological molecular lattices 以文[ 106 ]的相关概念为基础,研究了范畴stml ( l )中的极限与逆极限问题,从而给出了范畴stml ( l )的另一种乘积,且这两种乘积在范畴意义下是同构的。
an act of joining or adjoining things 同义词:junction,