The compose of sulphur isotope is adjacence, scope is + 3.29 %-9.73 % may belong to sedimentary origin 区内硫同位素组成比较分散,范围为329。至一9
This dissertation is funded by two projects of national natural science fundation of china numbered by 49734150 and 40234047, which are the researching into 3-d structure and geodynamics of interior circular layer in china and its adjacence, the researching into the detail structure of lithosphere and asthenosphere and deep progress in east asia and western pacific . also this dissertation is funded by the special project from the ministry of land and resources numbered by 20001010 titled the researching into lithospheric 3-d structure in china 本文选题来源于国家自然科学基金重点项目(49734150)《中国及邻区地球内部各圈层三维结构及动力学研究》、国家自然科学基金重点项目(40234047)《东亚西太平洋边缘海岩石圈、软流圈细结构及深部过程研究》和国土资源部专项项目(20001010)《中国岩石圈三维结构研究》。
The information economy provides us with modern information technology whose carrier is internet . many span-new industrial organizations emerged one after the other, such as industrial convergence and virtual enterprises, which produced important influence on the industrial clusters in traditional industrial epoch . industrial clusters could avail network instead of geographic adjacence, transcend geographic restrict and extend geographically 信息经济时代的来临,给我们提供了以网络为主要形式的现代信息技术,产业融合、虚拟企业等崭新的产业组织形式也相继出现,所有这些对传统工业经济时代的产业集群产生了重要的变革作用,使产业集群可以在保持原有集群外部经济效应的基础上,用网络化的形式代替地域接近从而实现其超越地域局限在空间上进行拓展。