Inside the space ships is adamski ' s own story of what has happened to him since then 在宇宙飞船内是那以后亚当斯基自己的已经发生在他身上的故事。
George adamski took these four photographs in rapid succession through a six - inch telescope 乔治?亚当斯基通过一个6英寸望远镜迅速连续排下了这四张照片。
Now , however , in inside the space ships , adamski gives us 16 photographs and illustrations , no longer of scouts ( flying saucers ) mostly , but of the great space ships from which they are launched 现在,无论如何,在宇宙飞船内部,亚当斯基提供我们16张照片和插图,大概不再是侦察(飞碟) ,而是大的宇宙飞船,从宇宙飞船飞碟被发射出来。
Adamski ' s photographs of flying saucers , originally published in flying saucers have landed , have since become world - famous as other witnesses in other parts of the world have succeeded in taking photographs identical with his 亚当斯基的飞碟照片,最初以飞碟已经登陆公布,因而成为举世闻名,他已经成功地随他一起拍下了另外世界部分其它的目击照片。
Desmond leslie , who was co - author with adamski of flying saucers have landed , provides a foreword to the new book in which he courageously faces the fact that many will be initially skeptical of the astonishing facts now told for the first time by george adamski 德斯蒙德?莱斯利,他是亚当斯基飞碟已经登陆的合作作家,提供了新书的前言,在前言里他勇敢地面对这个事实,对另人惊讶的现在在第一时间被乔治?亚当斯基告知的事实多数人将会有最初的怀疑。