Synthesis of 1 - 1h - imidazole - 1 - yl - acetophenone under microwave and ultrasonic irradiation 苯乙酮的超声和微波合成
Dichloro - 4 - amino acetophenone 氨基苯甲酮
Kinetic study on hydrogenation of acetophenone catalyzed by chitosan - palladium 壳聚糖负载钯络合物催化氢化苯乙酮的动力学
Asymmetric hydrosilation of acetophenone catalyzed by a chiral thiazolidine - rhodium complex 配合物催化的苯乙酮不对称硅氢化反应
Studies on synthesis of 2 , 4 - dichloro - 5 - fluoro - acetophenone as intermediate of ciprofioxacin hydrochloride 盐酸环丙沙星中间体氟氯苯乙酮的合成研究
Products include hydroxylamines , thiosalicylic acid , and derivatives of acetophenone and indole -主要以生产苯胺系列衍生物为主的染料医药感光材料中间体。
Studies on the heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate and acetophenone catalyzed by supported rhodium 负载型铑催化剂催化潜手性羰基化合物的多相不对称氢化反应的研究
Manufacturer of aromatic intermediates in china . products include derivatives of benzaldehyde , acetophenone , phenols and cresols , and meloxicam -生产氟系列医药农药中间体,主要产品有对氟苯胺对氟苯酚邻氟苯胺邻氟苯酚。
With furfurol and acetophenone as raw materials , 2 - furfurylideneacetophenone was synthesized by naoh as catalyst under ultrasonic irradiation 摘要报道以呋喃甲醛和苯乙酮为原料,氢氧化钠为催化剂,采用超声波辐射合成糠叉乙酰苯的方法。