

  • 横坐标(abscissa的复数)



  • 例句与用法
  • The experimental curve runs nearly parallel to the abscissa .
  • abscissa of absolute convergence
  • In this paper, we study the convergences of random dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers, and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence
  • Abstract : in this paper, we study the convergences of random dirichlet series by the local convergence of random variable and the strong law of large numbers, and obtain some simple and explict formulae on abscissa of convergence
  • Then we deal with the relative fluctuations as following : take relative fluctuations from small to big and take them as abscissa, the corresponding vertical is the total number that relative fluctuations equal to or bigger than the abscissa
  • Then we deal with the relative fluctuations as following : take relative fluctuations from small to big and take them as abscissa, the corresponding vertical is the total number that relative fluctuations equal to or bigger than the abscissa
  • In the policy chart, the abscissa denotes the average factors score of business completing ability, it reflects level of business completing ability in a period; the ordinate denotes the level of business sustainable development, it reflects the change tendency of business completing ability in the same period
  • The computational results of the particle images are agreement with the simulated datain reasonable, the most absolute difference of the displacement is 0.6671 pixel at the x abscissa and 0.7928 pixel at y abscissa; the computational results are equal to the data form the algorithm of particle brightness-distribution pattern tracking ( the conventional cross-correlation algorithm ) at voluminous points, their discrepancy is only one pixel at few points, mostly in boundary area
  • The computational results of the particle images are agreement with the simulated datain reasonable, the most absolute difference of the displacement is 0.6671 pixel at the x abscissa and 0.7928 pixel at y abscissa; the computational results are equal to the data form the algorithm of particle brightness-distribution pattern tracking ( the conventional cross-correlation algorithm ) at voluminous points, their discrepancy is only one pixel at few points, mostly in boundary area
  • Projection algorithm is presented as follows : first, characterize the reference image and the float image and turn into binary images; then, project the binary images onto the abscissa and y-axis and get the projection vectors; last, according to the elements of the vectors, the rotation and translation parameters were calculated separately
  • 推荐英语阅读
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