The group did not react at once to colombo ' s unilateral abrogation 该组织没有立刻对科伦坡单方面废除协议做出回应。
14 to decide on the ratification and abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states 十四决定同外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除
These extreme acts frightened other colonists , who feared lest they point towards abolition of their own assemblies and the abrogation of fundamental rights as englishmen 这些极端的法案教殖民地其它的人惊吓,他们害怕这些法案会指向废除他们自己的议会及取消他们基本的英国公民权。
Using a stringent objectie statistical algorithm to reduce false discoery rates below 5 % , we isolated a panel of 87 genes that represent major focal points of the autonomous response of cancer cells to the abrogation of microtubule dynamics 用严格客观的统计表格减少假阳性率至5 %以下,我们对一组87个基因(代表着肿瘤细胞自主反应的主要局部位点)进行分离到无微小管动力学存在的水平。
In addition to the entitlements as stipulated in the employment contract , company x is to pay a severance payment to each employee on termination as compensation for the employees complete abrogation of his employment contract and loss of certain rights upon the termination of employment 除了依据雇佣合约支付员工应得的报酬外, x公司也支付每一位员工一笔遣散费,作为终止雇佣合约及员工因此失去应有的权利的补偿。遣散费的金额按员工的年资计算如下:
If it is not possible to repeal such a law completely , the catholic politician , recalling the indications contained in the encyclical letter evangelium vitae , " could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality " , on condition that his " absolute personal opposition " to such laws was clear and well known and that the danger of scandal was avoided . this does not mean that a more restrictive law in this area could be considered just or even acceptable ; rather , it is a question of the legitimate and dutiful attempt to obtain at least the partial repeal of an unjust law when its total abrogation is not possible at the moment 如果无法完全废除这样的法律,公教从政者要谨记生命的福音通谕中的话,只要他对这法律的个人立场是坚决反对,而这立场又是众人皆知,并避免了恶表的危险,他便可以支持限制这法律所造成的伤害的法案,或支持减轻这法律对大众舆论及公共道德造成的不良后果的法案。 18这并不表示在这方面较严谨的法律,可被视为合理或甚至可以接受的而是说,在目前无法彻底废除这不义的法律时,要有合法和负责的意图,设法废除至少部分不义的法律。
Japan renounces all special rights and interests in china , including all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final protocol signed at peking on 7 september 1901 , and all annexes , notes and documents supplementary thereto , and agrees to the abrogation in respect to japan of the said protocol , annexes , notes and documents 日本放弃,一切有关中国之特别权利与利益,包括源自1901年9月7日签署于北京之最后议定书条款、其附件、书简与文件所衍生之对中国的利益与特权;同时,同意放弃前述议定书条款、其附件、书简与文件。
Alterations in glycosylation have been proposed to participate in cell adhesion , receptor activation , cell differentiation and tissue morphogenesis . because the early embryo is composed of cells that must adhere to other embryonic cells , it seems likely that glycans modulating this adhesion would have been indispensable for early development . genetic elimination or partial abrogation of expression of some major classes of glycans , such as n - glycans , glycosphingolipids , hyaluronan and sialic acids , has been shown to be lethal during murine embryogenesis 胚胎发育过程中伴随着细胞表面糖链表达水平及结构的改变,研究表明这些改变参与介导了胚胎细胞之间的粘附联系,因此,糖链对于胚胎正常发育是必须的,一些糖链结构(如n -连接糖链,糖鞘脂,透明质酸,唾液酸等)的表达缺失能导致小鼠死亡于胚胎的早期发育阶段。
the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation 同义词:repeal, annulment,
abrogationとは意味:abrogation n. 《文語》 (法律などの)破棄. 【+前置詞】 ◆(the) abrogation of a treaty 条約の破棄 (the) abrogation of a lease 借地権の失効 Further nuclear testing would require abrogation of the ABM treaty. これからも核実験を続ければ ABM 条約の破...