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用"aami"造句"aami"怎么读"aami" in a sentence


  • 急性前壁心肌梗死
  • 美国医疗仪器协会
  • 雅昌艺术市场指数
  • 雅昌艺术指数
  • 艺术品投资暨雅昌指数
  • 增龄相关记忆障碍


  • Biological evaluation of medical devices - part 5 : test for cytotoxicity : in vitro methods included in ansi aami iso 10993 - 1993 : a collection
  • Ansi aami iso 10993 - 93 biological evaluation of medical devices - part 2 : animal welfare requirements included in ansi aami iso 10993 - 1993 : a collection
  • Ansi aami iso 10993 - 93 biological evaluation of medical devices - part 11 : tests for systemic toxicity included in ansi aami iso 10993 - 1993 : a collection
  • The american no . 2 seed had the perfect warm - up for the open , disposing of tommy haas in the aami classic final at kooyong on saturday
  • Biological evaluation of medical devices - part 3 : tests for genotoxicity , carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity included in ansi aami iso 10993 - 1993 : a collection
  • First , by comparing with mercury sphygmomanometer , the results of 35 stochastic individuals showed our abpm ' s precision reached aami ' s criterion and bhs ' s criterion
  • Since high purified water for blood dialysis is obtained by reverse osmosis film separation , the quality of reverse osmosis unit is critical for water quality index , which should meet aami water supply standard , thus entailing a proper plan for the whole system
  • Plug : round shape 10pin , code no . 010 ; aami tpu innocuous cable is no harmful for the body ; special metal conductor make the using life increase 3 - 5 times ; high performance double shield cable ; gild terminal ensure connecting ; imported snap fastener ensure the longer uselife ; add the special anlistatig layer to protect the higher performance . junction box : 1 to 3 cables ; advantage technologies to avoid broken
    插头:圆头10pin 010 aami标准镀金端子确保连接信号更准确高性能tpu屏蔽电缆加入抗静电干扰涂层特殊合金导体增加线缆寿命3 - 5倍分线合:一分三患者端:按扣式


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