The german side wasted all that generosity we showed them a fortnight ago 德国人完全浪费了在我们在上轮比赛中曾经的慷慨。
I left them a fortnight ago , owing to a disagreement with the president mr . lau 由于本人与董事长刘先生意见不合,两星期前去职。
I left them a fortnight ago , owing to a disagreement with the president mr . liu 由于本人和总裁刘先生意见不一,两星期前辞职了。
Sunnis tend to carry out ambushes like the one that damaged an american tank in this baghdad district a fortnight ago 逊尼派准备发起一连串类似于两周前在巴格达街区摧毁美军坦克之类的伏击战。
Mikhail : he lies ! randolph the drunk almost killed a man just a fortnight ago over losing a bet , and now he hangs 米克黑尔:他撒谎!醉鬼伦道夫两星期前因为打赌赌输了差点杀了个人,现在他被绞死了!
He seemed to see men such as he had been himself a fortnight ago , and he was mentally addressing an edifying exhortation to them 他也想象到那些像他自己两周以前那样的人们,他在内心中向他们道出了教训的话。
The doctor came that day to see natasha , and gave directions for the powders to be continued that he had begun prescribing a fortnight ago 这天,医生来看娜塔莎,吩咐她继续服他在两个星期前最后开的那些药粉。
But chairman freddy shepherd was furious that he was being touted around the top echelons of the premiership a fortnight ago by his advisers 但是主席谢泼德半个月前却气恼两周前他的顾问将他用冠军杯这一最高的荣誉劝诱他。
But in recent months he canceled engagements and a fortnight ago announced that , on his doctor ' s advice , he was retiring as a conductor 但是最近几个月他取消了约会,并在两周前宣布,依照医生的劝告,他即将从乐队指挥的位子上退下来。