- 短装 be dressed in a Chinese-styl ...
- 数 frequently; repeatedly
- 订单 order for goods; order form
- 过高之未出货订单数量 overbackordered quantities
- 出货数量 shipping qty
- 订单出货 order shipping
- 订单数量 quantity of order
- 原始订单数量 original order quantity
- 短装 be dressed in a chinese-style jacket and trousers
- 少于 less / more than; less than
- 停止出货之采购订单 droshipurchase order
- 出货 d/y delivery; shipment
- 单数 1.(正的奇数) odd number2.[语言学] (由词本身形式所表示的单一数量) singular number; singular: “trousers”没有单数形式。 “trousers”has no singular
- 次数少 low repetition
- 短装(的) short loaded
- 短装,短重 short-weight
- 短装贷 short-shipped goods
- 短装货 short-shipped goods
- 宽短装 tunic
- 溢短装 more or less
- 不少于 no fewer than; no less than; not less than
- 少于,不到 b. less than
- 订单 order for goods; order form 一张20吨煤的订单 an order of 20 tons of coal; 所有订单均须附汇款。 a remittance must accompany all orders.; 订单额度 order of magnitude; 订单符号 ticker symbols; 订单确认书 confirmation of order
- 投票人数少 vote diluting; vote-diluting
- 短装货物 short-shipped cargo; shut shipping cargo