(as) proud as lucifer; be arrogant and conceited; ride the high horse; false pride; have grandiose delusion concerning oneself; megalomania; think one is the whole cheese
狂妄 wildly arrogant; extremely conceited; frantic; unbridled; wanton; presumptuous 狂妄的野心 a wild ambition; 他那时候太狂妄了。 he went beyond the bounds of reason in those days
自大 self-important; arrogant; conceited 骄傲自大 swollen with pride; conceited and arrogant; 自大狂 megalomania; egomania (autophilia)
妄自菲薄 improperly belittle oneself; inferiority complex; look down upon oneself; think lightly of oneself; underestimate oneself; underestimate one's own capabilities; undervalue oneself; unduly humble oneself 我们对自己的估计应该实事求是, 不要自高自大, 也不要妄自菲薄。 we must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves
妄自尊大 be overbearing; aggrandize oneself; be arrogant and overweening; be eaten up with pride; be given to swaggering; be overweening; be puffed up with pride; be puffed up with self-importance; be selfconceited [self-important]; boast wildly of oneself; give oneself airs; have too high an opinion of oneself; indulge in foolish display; self-conceit; self-glorification; self-importance; set oneself up as superior to everyone; swell with pride; think no small beer of oneself
He scares people away by being so brash . 他狂妄自大把别人都吓跑了。
His vanity swelled like a bloated belly . 他一肚子的狂妄自大一个劲儿地膨胀。
Those whom he overrode called him arrogant . 那些为他所轻视的人还说他狂妄自大。
The impudence of some men is beyond all calculation . 有些人的狂妄自大是无从想象的。
It adds up to scientific arrogance and danger . 那最后将导致科研中的狂妄自大和危险。
The type of man we must avoid is the unbalanced young gentleman . 我们决不要狂妄自大的年轻人。
He is a swagger . 他是一个狂妄自大的人。
This provoked a furious row, and cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots . 这一点引起了激烈的争吵。卡明指责我狂妄自大。
Connally's swaggering self-assurance fulfilled nixon's image of how a leader should act . 康纳利狂妄自大,正符合尼克松心目中一个领导人应有的举止。
He wasn't a man of easy assurance, who chatted and gossiped with the fluency of a superficial nature . 他不是一个狂妄自大,夸夸其谈,浅薄圆滑的人。