吆喝 1.(呼唤) cry out; call 你没听见她在吆喝你吗? don't you hear her calling?2.(叫卖) cry one's wares 沿街吆喝着生意 cry out for customers along the street3.(赶牲畜) loudly urge on an animal 牲口不听吆喝。 the animal wouldn't obey its driver
At the sound of bennet's summons he discarded all concealment, and fairly took to his heels for the forest . 他一听到贝内特的吆喝声,索性不再隐蔽,一溜烟地向森林逃去。
Dilly dedalus , listening by the curbstone , heard the beats of the bell , the cries of the auctioneer within 呆在人行道边石上的迪丽迪达勒斯听到铃声和里面拍卖商的吆喝声。
He soon heard the clatter of the iron step of the hackney - coach , then the coachman s voice , and then the rolling of the heavy vehicle shook the windows 不久,他就听到马车铁门的关闭声,车夫的吆喝声,然后,那辆笨重车子的滚动震得窗户都动起来。
On every side , behind and before , as far as the ear could reach in every direction there was the rumble of wheels , the rattle of carts , of waggons , and of gun - carriages , the tramp of horses , the crack of whips , the shouts of drivers , the swearing of soldiers , of orderlies , and officers 从四面八方,前前后后,听力所及之处,传来车轮的辚辚声轻便马车车厢普通大车和炮架的隆隆声马蹄得得的声音马鞭哒哒的响声催马的吆喝声士兵勤务兵和军官的咒骂声。