What a delicious dinner we ' ll enjoy tonight 今晚我们能享受一顿多么可口的晚餐啊!
You may find yourself in the midst of a pretty good deal 金牛:一顿丰盛可口的晚餐正等着你去享用。
Take some time , let me ask them for a delicious dinner together 让我来安排一个时间,请他们吃顿可口的晚餐。
At a hawaiian luau , you can enjoy a delicious meal of pork , poi , fish and fruit 在夏威夷烤猪餐宴上,你可以享受一顿可口的晚餐,包括猪肉、夏威夷芋泥饼、鱼和水果。
Some married couples do away with the usual fine - dining restaurant date and simply host a nice family dinner at home 一些夫妻就没有随大流去食物精美的餐厅约会,而只是在家里亲手做一顿可口的晚餐。
All finished , they were seating themselves to what they thought was the most delicious supper , when a strange idea occurred to jim that they may have been poisoned 做完一些事情后,他们正坐着来吃他们认为是最可口的晚餐时,此时突然一个怪想法出现在吉姆的脑海中,他们可能被人投毒了