发面 leaven dough leavened dough团 dumpling制发面饼干的面团 cracker dough发面 1.(使面发酵) leaven dough2.(已发酵的面) leavened dough◇发面饼 leavened pancake; 发面点心 strudel; 发面房 proofroom; 发面碱 fluffy soda; 发面酵母 [食品] bakers' yeast面团 dough; [苏格兰] daigh◇面团占卜 aleuromancy发面饼 leavened pancake发面房 proofroom发面缸 dough box发面碱 fluffy soda发面力 baking strength蒸发面 disengagement surface; evaporated surface; evaporating surface; evaporation surface; generating surface; steam-releasing surface; vaporizing surface地下蒸发面 evaporating subsurface电弧触发面 striking surface电弧角发面 striking surface发面饼干 barm biscuit发面点心 strudel发面搅拌机 sponge stirring machine发面酵母 saccharomyces cerevisiae; saccharomycescerevisiae发面烤饼 crumpet发面能力 baking strength发面三明渗 sponge sandwich发面苏打 baking soda隔夜发面 over-night dough锅炉蒸发面 boiler evaporating surface研发面包师 research baker
If you are using a bread machine , place the ingredients into the machine in the order stated and set the machine on the " dough " cycle 如果你使用面包机,按机器设定的顺序放置成分并设置机器进入“发面团 ”程序。