Dr. martin luther king, jr, and robert kennedy were savagely assassinated . 马丁路德金和罗伯特肯尼迪被野蛮地暗杀了。
I heard they were brutaiiy questioned 我听说他们被野蛮地拷问
Dr . martin luther king , jr , and robert kennedy were savagely assassinated 马丁?路德金和罗伯特?肯尼迪被野蛮地暗杀了。
Narcissus [ savagely ] : " take your hands off me ! no ! how dare you touch me ! 纳喀索斯野蛮地尖叫: “把你的手从我身上拿开!不!你竟敢碰我! ”
He walked up and down , batting his head savagely with his fists , but he could not conquer the numbness of sleep 他走来走去,用拳头野蛮地捶脑袋,仍证服不了沉重的睡意。
I d wrench them off her fingers , if they ever menaced me , he answered brutally , when the door had closed after her “如果这些一旦威胁到我头上,我就要把它们从手指头上拔掉, ”当她跑掉后门关上时,他野蛮地回答。
Already the zest of combat , which of old had been so keen and lasting , had died down , and he discovered that he was self - analytical , too much so to live , single heart and single hand , so primitive an existence 毕竟当年对打架的那种强烈的执着的狂热已经过去,他发现自己太爱做自我分析,他是再也无法像那样心地单纯独来独往原始野蛮地活下去了。
The complaint had sometimes made itself audible , even in that deaf city and dumb age , that , in the narrow streets without footways , the fierce patrician custom of hard driving endangered and maimed the mere vulgar in a barbarous manner 即使在那个耳聋的城市和暗哑的时代,人们的抱怨有时其实是能听得见的,说是那种古罗马贵族式的凶狠的赶马习惯在没有人行道的大街上野蛮地威胁着平民百姓的生命或把他们变成残废。
He made a savage attack on the memory of macrinus and a still more savage one on that of diadumenianus because he had received the name antoninus - - he called him a " pseudo - antoninus " - - and because it was asserted that from a veritable profligate he had become very brave and honourable and dignified and austere 他对马克林努斯的追忆野蛮地攻击,对迪尔杜蒙里安则是更野蛮的攻击,因为他得到了安东尼的名字? ?他称他是个“冒牌的安东尼” ? ?而这表明他从一个浪子变得勇敢、尊贵、威严和简朴。