休息 have a rest; take a rest; rest 休息一会儿 rest for a while; have a rest; 休息一天 have a day off; take a day off; 课间休息 break (between classes); 幕间休息 intermission; interval; 邮局星期天不休息。 the post office is open on sunday. 今天到此休息吧。 let's call it a day.; 休息平台 half space; 休息室 lounge; lobby; anteroom; vestibule; foyer; greenroom
休息痢 chronic dysentery with frequent relapse; recurrent dysentery; relapsing dysentery
The right includes the right to take a rest , the right to leave , the right to leisure and the right to tranquility four basic rights 休息权的内容包括休整权、休假权、休闲权和安宁权四个基本方面。
The right to legal protection should rest from multi - angle approach such as the constitution , the labor code , the civil code and penal 休息权应当得到宪法、劳动法、民法和刑法多种法律制度的保障。
China begins to execute since may 1 , 1995 double cease day system , the rest that immediate goal is safeguard citizen counterpoises 中国自1995年5月1日起开始实行双休日制度,直接目的是保障公民的休息权。
Secondly , the phenomenon of criminal working overtime is prevailing , which has violated the criminals " right of rest . the system of the payment of criminal labor is not complete 二是罪犯超时劳动的现象还比较普遍,侵犯了罪犯的休息权;罪犯的劳动报酬制度也不完善。
The prison law also stipulates specifically that prisoners have the right of immunity from corporal punishment and abuses , the right of appeal , the right of communication , the right of meeting visiting family members and relatives , the right to education , the right to rest , the right to receive remuneration for work , the right to labor protection and labor insurance , and the right to receive medical treatment ; they enjoy equal rights with other citizens upon their release after completing their sentence term 《监狱法》还具体规定了罪犯有不受体罚虐待权、申诉权、通信权、会见亲属权、接受教育权、休息权、获得劳动报酬权、获得劳动保护和劳动保险权、医疗权以及刑满释放后享受与其他公民平等待遇的权利,等等。