保健 health protection; health care 妇幼保健 maternal and child hygiene; mother and child care; 保健按摩 keep-fit massage; therapeutic massage; 保健班 keep-fit class; 保健操 setting-up exercises; health exercises; 保健产品 health products; 保健措施 health protection measures; 保健法 hygiene; 保健费 health subsidies; health fee; 保健护士 health nurse; 保健机构 health institution; 保健机理 hygiogensis; 保健建筑 health building; 保健灸 healthful moxibustion; 保健食品 health food; protective foods; 保健事业 public health work; 保健所 clinic; 保健网 health care network; 保健物理学 health physics; 保健箱 medical kit; 保健因素 hygienic factor; 保健员 health worker; 保健站 health station; health center; 保健专家 sanitarian; 保健装置 protection device; 保健组织 health (care) organization
Go station of health care of women and children seeks advice , annual vaccine is vaccinal , be arranged by them 去妇幼保健站咨询一下,每年的疫苗接种,都是由他们来安排的。
To ensure that people of childbearing age can receive required services at any time and in any place , china has established countrywide family planning service networks consisting of hospitals , maternity and child care centers and family planning service stations 为了保证广大育龄群众随时随地能够得到所需要的服务,中国建立了遍及全国城乡的由医院、妇幼保健站和计划生育服务站组成的计划生育服务网络。
On the basis of an analysis of the status quo of health services , our community determined its thoughts on expanding community health services , took vigorous measures to establish setups of community health services , and worked out a convenient and suitable mode of service : 1 ) third - class hospitals act as centers , opening to communities and offering general medical treatment ; 2 ) neighborhood committees and enterprise health stations act as bridges , seeing to it that comprehensive services are provided ; 3 ) family healthcare contracts are signed so as to conduct such basic modes of working as house calls ; 4 ) suitable technological services are provided , with emphasis laid on chronic diseases ; 5 ) traditional chinese medicine and western medicine are equally stressed so as to meet the general needs of the masses ; 6 ) community healthcare services , such as those involving maternity and child care , are offered , with sound child rearing as the goal 我区在分析医疗卫生服务现状的基础上,确定了拓展社区卫生服务的思路,狠抓社区卫生服务体系的建立,探索出了一条便捷适用的服务方式:以一级医院为中心,面向社区,搞全院型全科医疗;以居委会、企业保健站为桥梁,落实全方位服务;以建立家庭保健合同,上门服务等基本工作方式;以慢病为重点,提供适宜技术服务;以中西医并重,满足居民的普遍要求;以优生优育为目标,开展社区如妇幼保健服务。