

  • health centre
  • health station



  • 例句与用法
  • Go station of health care of women and children seeks advice , annual vaccine is vaccinal , be arranged by them
  • To ensure that people of childbearing age can receive required services at any time and in any place , china has established countrywide family planning service networks consisting of hospitals , maternity and child care centers and family planning service stations
  • On the basis of an analysis of the status quo of health services , our community determined its thoughts on expanding community health services , took vigorous measures to establish setups of community health services , and worked out a convenient and suitable mode of service : 1 ) third - class hospitals act as centers , opening to communities and offering general medical treatment ; 2 ) neighborhood committees and enterprise health stations act as bridges , seeing to it that comprehensive services are provided ; 3 ) family healthcare contracts are signed so as to conduct such basic modes of working as house calls ; 4 ) suitable technological services are provided , with emphasis laid on chronic diseases ; 5 ) traditional chinese medicine and western medicine are equally stressed so as to meet the general needs of the masses ; 6 ) community healthcare services , such as those involving maternity and child care , are offered , with sound child rearing as the goal
  • 百科解释
保健站是一个集通线上的铁路车站新浪旅游, 正文倒数第五自然段落,位于内蒙古自治区化德县六十顷乡,建于1995年,目前为五等站,邮政编码为013358。目前客运:办理旅客乘降;不办理行李、包裹托运;不办理货运营业。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 保健站的法语:centre prophylactique station de santé publique
  • 保健站的俄语:pinyin:bǎojiànzhàn медпункт; консультация (при больнице)
  • 保健站什么意思:设在城乡基层单位的医疗卫生机构。 其主要任务是开展本单位的爱国卫生运动、医疗救护和卫生宣传等工作。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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